Traveling Tips and Flying in General (Part II)
When you have a connecting flight or a transfer, be certain to leave enough time between flights for both you and your checked bags to make it to the other plane. You have to be able to get off of one plane, possibly run across a huge airport (with trams) from one end to the other, and check in for the next flight. Having just one hour between flights is usually going to be pushing it, especially if you have to go through customs or the flight was late coming in. Having two hours between flights is usually enough. Sometimes you may have to sit around for a little while but it’s better than being rushed. Plus there is the risk of an overbooked flight and if you don’t check in at the gate early enough, you might not get a seat.
If you are traveling abroad to catch a cruise or some other travel tour where you have to be there by a certain time, try to be there the night before your tour leaves. Yes, you will have to pay for an extra night, but it’s better than leaving only a couple of hours to make transfers and having the flight be delayed or worse, cancelled. It happens too often where people leave just enough time to get to their cruise ship or tour bus, the flight is late, they miss the boat, and then have to find a way to meet up with their transportation in another city and miss out on the beginning of their vacation. Not to mention paying for the extra flight or transportation to get to that city.
Next: Baggage Do’s and Don’ts.